Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr) is a famed expert, author and developer in Data Security and the Chief Security Data Scientist at Rapid7. Bob also creates the most deliciously vivid images of his meals documented by the #nom hashtag. I’m going to use a similar method used in my previous projects (Hipster Veggies & Machine Learning Flashcards) to wrangle all those images into a nice collection - mostly for me to look at for inspiration in recipe planning.
Yum! Have you ever thought about collecting all these recipes & images into a cookbook?!
— Jasmine Dumas (@jasdumas) January 15, 2018
Source Repository: jasdumas/bobs-noms
library(rtweet) # devtools::install_github("mkearney/rtweet")
# get all of bob's recent tweets
bobs_tweets <- get_timeline(user = "hrbrmstr", n = 3200)
#filter noms with images only
bobs_noms <-
bobs_tweets %>% dplyr::filter(str_detect(hashtags, "nom"), !
bobs_noms$clean_text <- bobs_noms$text
bobs_noms$clean_text <- str_replace(bobs_noms$clean_text,"#[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,}", "") # remove the hashtag
bobs_noms$clean_text <- str_replace(bobs_noms$clean_text, " ?(f|ht)(tp)(s?)(://)(.*)[.|/](.*)", "") # remove the url link
bobs_noms$clean_text <- str_replace(bobs_noms$clean_text, "[[:punct:]]", "") # remove punctuation
# let's look at these images in a smaller data set
bobs_noms_small <- bobs_noms %>% select(created_at, clean_text, media_url)
bobs_noms_small$img_md <- paste0("")
data.frame(images = bobs_noms_small$img_md) %>%
kable( format = "markdown") %>%
kable_styling(full_width = F, position = 'center')
|images |
| |
# create a function to save these images!
save_image <- function(df){
for (i in c(1:nrow(df))){
image <- try(image_read(df$media_url[[i]]), silent = F)
if(class(image)[1] != "try-error"){
image %>%
image_scale("1200x700") %>%
image_write(paste0("../post_data/data/", bobs_noms$clean_text[i],".jpg"))
cat("saved images...\n")
## saved images...