Add a Jumbotron to showcase key content
jumbotron(header, content, button = TRUE, ...)
a object of class character, indicating header title
- content
a object of class character, indicating text content
- button
a object of class logical, to include a button or not
- ...
optional parameters for including a button label if needed
a HTML object to be included in the ui section of a shiny app
jumbotron("Hi Shiny!", "text to show", buttonLabel = "Click Me")
#> <div class="jumbotron">
#> <h1>Hi Shiny!</h1>
#> <p>text to show</p>
#> <p>
#> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg button" id="tabBut">Click Me</a>
#> </p>
#> </div>