Extending Shiny By Enhancing User Experience With shinyLP

😀 + 💻

Jasmine Dumas | @jasdumas | jasdumas.github.io

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Hi Portland!


A quick refresher of shiny before we get started!

I began buildng shiny apps in 2014


Why should you care about this?

What could go wrong when we don’t include user experience features?

Additional shiny add-on packages that increase usability

Up Next … Cool shiny examples from the internet!

New Zealand Tourism website

New Zealand App

Tweet Analyzer

Tweet Analyzer

Twin Cities Bus

Twin Cities

Hartford Connecticut Crime

Hartford Crime

Letsrun.com Shoe Database

lets run db

Wikimedia Search Metrics Dashboard

wiki dash

A quote from an influential R Programmer…


Here is the point…

Even though we aren’t web developers, we should still strive to create user friendly tools!

Landing pages can enhance user experience

An example of a landing home page

wiki dash

I developed an R package that helps make landing home pages called shinyLP

jumbotron <- function(header , content, button = TRUE,  ...){

  button_label = c(...)

  if (button){
    HTML(paste0("<div class='jumbotron'>
                <h1> ", header, "</h1>
                <p>", content ,"</p>",
                "<p><a class='btn btn-primary btn-lg' button id='tabBut'>", button_label, "</a></p>
                </div>") )

  } else {
    HTML(paste0("<div class='jumbotron'>
                <h1> ", header, "</h1>
                <p>", content ,"</p>",
                "</div>") )


Orange you glad I’m showing examples of shinyLP…

example 1

This shinyLP example is a-peeling…

example 2

The End

ending slide