Concerns about data reduction are pivotal to the knowledge discovery process (KDD) and guide the tools and systems we use. R is a superior statistics enviornment but lends itself to many misconceptions about dataset size limitations. Big Data is the abstract idea of data that is too large to use traditional methods for reading, manipulating, and interpreting. In a survey by Hadley Wickham and reported by Nathan Stepehens of RStudio it framed the question to the #rstats twitter community about relevant issues in dataset size. in summary users reported analyzing 1 million to 100 million records with total data sizes of 1 GB to 25 GB. Surely this survey provides some comfort that the volumonus data (both long and wide) in the Personal Lines Group could be adequately managed in R albeit with the appropriate package. In the following investigation I explore the usage of using different R packages to read in a large dataset. Following investigations I will explore the computational efficiency of manipulating large datasets.
# Source:
# Abstract: This is a transnational data set which contains all the transactions occurring between 01/12/2010 and 09/12/2011 for a UK-based and registered non-store online retail.
# 541909 rows, 8 columns, 44513 KB
filename = "Online-Retail.csv"
start = ptm <- proc.time()
in_file = read.csv(filename)
end = proc.time() - ptm
paste0("The method utils performance was ", start["elapsed"]-end["elapsed"], ".")
## [1] "The method utils performance was -3.79."
# Start the clock!
start = ptm <- proc.time()
in_file = read_csv(filename, na = "NA")
# Stop the clock
end = proc.time() - ptm
paste0("The method readr performance was ", start["elapsed"]-end["elapsed"], ".")
## [1] "The method readr performance was 5.12."
start = ptm <- proc.time()
in_file = fread(filename)
end = proc.time() - ptm
paste0("The method data.table performance was ", start["elapsed"]-end["elapsed"], ".")
## [1] "The method data.table performance was 6.76."
# library(bigmemory)
# library(bigmemory.sri)
# start = ptm <- proc.time()
# in_file = read.big.matrix(filename, sep = ",")
# end = proc.time() - ptm
# paste0("The method bigmemory performance was ", start["elapsed"]-end["elapsed"], ".")
start = ptm <- proc.time()
in_file = read.csv.ffdf(file = filename)
end = proc.time() - ptm
paste0("The method ff performance was ", start["elapsed"]-end["elapsed"], ".")
## [1] "The method ff performance was 4.32."
# library(sqldf)
# start = ptm <- proc.time()
# in_file = read.csv.sql(file = filename)
# end = proc.time() - ptm
# paste0("The method sqldf performance was ", start["elapsed"]-end["elapsed"], ".")